วันอังคารที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Expectations of a 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification Course

There are two sets of expectations for a 500 hour Yoga instructor certification course. There are the expectations of the teachers who are guiding interns enrolled in the course. There are also a set of expectations on the part of the student, who is choosing a particular 500 hour Yoga teacher training course. Of course, a student must choose a training program wisely and make sure the curriculum and goals of the Yoga instructor training course matches his or her professional and personal aspirations. This article will briefly address those expectations of a student who enrolls in a training program.

Enhance Qualities of Character and Commitment

A Yoga student who enrolls in a professional level, 500 hour Yoga certification course will obtain a deep abiding level of dedication. This commitment to the inner and outer transformation is due to the cleansing effects of Yoga. A student who enrolls in a professional Yoga teacher training course will learn through personal experience of the profound impact within a regular and sustained practice of Yogic techniques and disciplines. The student must also apply him or herself to the thorough study or anatomy, physiology, the subtleties of asana sequencing, Yoga as therapy, the power of mudras, bandhas, chakras, mantras, advanced meditation, and pranayama techniques.

Through sustained practice and focus, the prospective Yoga instructor will become more aware of his or her strengths and weaknesses as a Yoga teacher trainee. This profound Yogic experience may be humbling and at the same time it is a method for reaching states of clarity. A Yoga instructor trainee must stick with this process while learning how to develop and strengthen areas of weaknesses. Interns learn how to balance strength and weakness as a prospective Yoga teacher.

Living Yoga in the World

A student who enrolls in a 500 hour Yoga instructor certification course will ultimately learn how to integrate the experience of Yoga, both on and off the mat. A professional level Yoga teacher training program will bring a student's personal life into alignment with the basic Yogic tenets taught by Pantanjali. These are the tenets one learns within the Yoga Sutras, such as: self-inquiry, not stealing and truthfulness. If a prospective Yoga teacher does not integrate his or her Yogic experiences, wisdom and guidelines into his or her home life, the rasa or bliss of Yoga will slip through the teacher trainee's hands and will reduce his or her ability to uplift and impact future Yoga students in a positive way.

© Copyright 2011 - Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/

วันพุธที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Translator Certification - What Is It?

Sometimes professional translators are not clear what a translator certification is or what it includes. This article will provide a definition for the word "certification" and also provide insights into what a program typically includes.  

The word "certification" means to confirm or validate ones knowledge within a specific area or industry. 

In this case a translation industry certification or designation means that a third-party has validated or confirmed a translator's knowledge within the translation industry and typically within a language pair as well. 

Earning a certification can help you move your career forward because they can test your ability to translate and help you learn more about translation industry best practices, terms, challenges, and ethical guidelines that will help you become a better translator.  

Many Translation Certification programs will not only help you become more qualified but offers dozens of multimedia resources as well including audio expert interviews, video training modules, and webinars.  These by themselves are typically worth the price of tuition and that is why many professionals today are earning these types of designations.  A general college degree does not mean that you have invested the extra time to gain specialized knowledge within the translation industry, while a certification in the area means that you have re-invested in yourself and if all else is equal may be more qualified than the next translator which holds no such designation.

Note: Translator certification programs differ based on the state and country and you have to be careful as it is sometimes legally restricted to call yourself a "certified translator" in some areas as to not cause confusion with local state or country-wide mandated certification programs for professional translators.  That said, that is typically the exception and not the rule. 

That being said, most translators can gain an edge within the industry by completing a translator certification program such as the Certified Translation Professional (CTP) Designation.

To learn more about this translator certification program now please visit http://TranslationCertification.org.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Obtaining a Six Sigma Certification Online

If your business has given you the opportunity to get a Six Sigma Certification online, you should take advantage of it. This type of certification will make you a more valuable asset to your business and enhance your career greatly. When a company is offering to send employees to any type of training, they should take it. The Six Sigma Certification can be an expensive training program. If you can get it free through your work, you shouldn't pass it up. Online is the best option for employers because employees can go through the certification courses during down times at work and whenever it is convenient for the company and the training candidate.

Employers don't have to worry about employees missing work and a loss of productivity when they send their staff to Six Sigma Certification courses online, instead of an on-site program. Employees can attend class right from their desk at work or at home. You might want to obtain a Six Sigma Certification to better your career on your own, and it has nothing to do with your current employment. This would mean possible time off of work if you were to sit in class. An online program allows you to go to you computer in the evenings, or during times when you are not working and available. It is difficult for many full-time employees to schedule their work around set schedule classes. Online training access allows you to schedule study time and tests when it is convenient for you.

There is a big difference in the cost of attending Six Sigma training and certification online versus onsite. An online Six Sigma Certification can be much cheaper than an actual classroom learning setting. This is because when you take classes at a school, resources are used; utilities, the building, an instructor, and more. The costs need to be absorbed. It is cheaper to offer courses on the web, with fewer resources are used. You can save a lot of money enrolling in online Six Sigma Certification courses. If you are paying for your own certification, online should be your only option. Keep in mind, the costs of this type of training will differ depending on the training provider you choose. Always compare the different training providers; look into their costs, and training methodologies before you get started. Choose one that meshes with both your learning style and your budget.

There are many reasons you should consider enrolling in a Six Sigma Certification course online. This type of training will make you a more valuable asset to any industry, save you money, and time. Employers benefit by sending their staff to online training as well.

Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( http://www.sixsigmaonline.org ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Florida Yoga Certification

Your Florida yoga certification will open up possibilities that you've only dreamed of!

Looking to improve your life physically, mentally as well as financially? How about getting your yoga instructor certification? Your love of yoga can reach beyond your weekly class to a daily career with Florida yoga certification. You'll be working with people who really need your expertise, and enjoying the reward of improving their health!

There are many options for getting your Florida yoga certification. From Miami to Orlando, yoga certification schools are a great option. They offer a more college-like setting which is perfect for those really wanting to sink their teeth into their yoga instructor training courses. The right yoga school is a great way to jump start your new career.

Perhaps a more flexible program is better suited for you. Yoga instructor courses across the state of Florida are teaching important yoga techniques to people like you. These classes offer a bit more flexibility, perfect for those interested in getting their Florida yoga certification while still keeping their day jobs. You can achieve your dream without giving up your current lifestyle! Night and weekend classes are available in most areas to accommodate busy schedules.

Whether you are a long-time lover of yoga who lives on the beach, or a city dwelling yoga novice, Florida offers you plenty of opportunities in the field. Yoga is versatile and anyone who gets their Florida yoga certification can be a successful yoga instructor. You deserve to get your certification today!

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind and body and get in shape as well as a great way to unwind after a long day. Whatever your yoga equipment needs, we have the information and resources to point you in the right direction. We have yoga music, mats, clothes, pants, videos and journals as well as information on the different types of yoga, postures and the history of yoga. If you are interested in becoming a yoga teacher learn more about yoga instructor certification requirements in your city or state.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Event Planning Certification - Do You Need Certification To Work In The Event Planning Field?

To make an event a hit you need to an excellent event planning. However, sometimes, people fail to make good arrangements even though they have spent so much money. Besides this reason, people have become so busy in their lives that they hardly get any time to make any arrangement. Therefore, instead of experimenting themselves they hire event managers who handle their work with professionalism.

The demand of event managers is always high. So many popular event managers are earning in millions. Both in the corporate world as well as in non-corporate world, everyone wants his or her events to be successful. They want to impress their guests and want them to have a great time. That is why they depend on event managers who know very well how to make events last forever.

Hence, for those people who see many potential in the event planning careers, there are certain certifications present that will enhance their skills and make them an expert. With the passage of time the demand of event planners in immensely increasing, this will create a big competition and for this reason; it will become necessary to have an event planning certification or two so that you can stand above others. Therefore, by passing these certifications now, you will create a strong base and gain success in this field.

There are so many people who are very interested in this field but do not have the required set of skills that are very important. If they take these courses, they will enhance their progress, as they will become more creative, dynamic and systematic. Mostly event take place in the evening or on vacations, so the organizer has to be very active and multi-tasking in order to carry out all the procedures of arranging the event. In this business, you will also face situations where you will have a tight budget or a short time span to make the event come alive. Individuals do not posse these skills unless they trained how to handle such situations.

The event planner has to try his best to satisfy his customer. If he or she succeeds in doing this, then there are chances of more projects and maybe bigger than the last one. This is quality management. On one hand, they have to provide their clients with quality products and services instead of doping him with cheap products and on the other hand, they have to assure them that they will provide improved services and that clients will not be disappointed. With the help of an event planning certificate, he or she will be able to do so.

Therefore, now it is clear that event planning certificate has great importance and if one acquires them, he or she will definitely become triumphant in his business.

For more information on Event Planning Certification visit tisoh.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Book Review: Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire

If you are a woman in the business world, no matter what your age, you must read the book Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire, by Mirelle Guiliano. It will help you step around the mistakes you might make in your career or as a business owner, and step forward into an opportunity that you might miss without this kind of coaching.

One of the principles that Guiliano promotes is the importance of mentorship. One of the first questions she asks in the book is: "Do you have a senior person in business who consistently offers you sound counsel and support and consistently champions you?" As a woman who's been in business for 20 years, mentoring has been very valuable to me. I have consistently maintained relationships with 5 people at a higher level than I am, who I look to for advice. I contact them maybe once a month or two so I can bounce ideas off them, ask questions, and get their input. Even though mentors can be vital to one's success (and they certainly have been to mine), many people don't pursue those relationships. Guiliano also asserts that women especially can run into problems when trying to find women at higher levels to mentor them. I agree. Women are often jealous and don't do a good job of supporting one another in the workplace. That needs to change. It is getting better, but it does exist and remains a problem.

Guiliano quite nicely covers an extensive list of issues and factors for women in the business world: continuing education, promotions, leadership, what types of risks to take, relationships in the business world, business etiquette, interviewing, hiring, firing, stress, business travel, apparel, and even how to value yourself and take time to recharge. It's all about making your work life more productive and less stressful-and ultimately, more successful.

Find insider tips on the job search at Peggy McKee's website, Career Confidential ( http://www.career-confidential.com ). Recognized as an expert resource for jobseekers, Peggy has been named as one of the HR Examiner's Top 25 Most Influential Online Recruiters, and has been quoted in articles from CNN, Yahoo!HotJobs, the Denver Examiner, and upcoming articles in the Wall Street Journal.