วันเสาร์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

No More Excuses With Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer's presentation on his new book Excuses Be Gone, is a captivating one! His latest works is a natural next step from Dr. Dyer's, "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life."and "The Shift - From Ambition To Meaning" a film which highlights the changes we encounter in our lives.

In his newest work, Dr. Dyer, challenges the denial system inherent in us all as he looks at the 18 most common excuses we use in our lives. His presentation invites the individual to take an honest look at the excuses such as: " I am Too Old", It will take too long, It is too hard, I dont have enough money, " as the excuses we tell ourselves that keep us from moving forward in our lives. Dr. Dyer offers the correlating 18 Affirmations and invites the listener/reader to begin utilizing new language and belief systems about the potential in this life.

It is fantastic material. For all those who are ready to lose the excuses and start living in the potential of who they really are, this is definite must have in your library! I personally, I have seen the results in my attitude and perspective in the past 10 days by beginning to take an honest look at the excuses in my life - and am applying the Affirmations. It is really an eye-opening experience. I encourage all those who are tired of their own excuses and ready to begin living a more fulfilling life, to get this book or video presentation today! "The Shift - Ambition to Meaning" - which is a great movie for all ages.


Terrie Crowley

