วันอังคารที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Kettlebell Exercises For Abs

One of the things I like the most about kettlebell training is that you can get a fantastic ab workout without ever doing a Crunch or Sit Up if you know what you're doing. Here are three kettlebell exercises you can incorporate into your training routine today to start blasting your abs:

1. Kettlebell Front Squats

Kettlebell Front Squats are one of the best kettlebell exercises for your abs. They force you to stabilize a weight in front of you and maintain a neutral spine (if you're doing the exercise right, that is) through a very real-world and functional movement - squatting!

2. Kettlebell Renegade Rows

This exercise, while working a lot of other muscle groups at the same time, is probably one of the most challenging ab exercises you'll ever do.

3. Kettlebell Turkish Get Ups

The Turkish Get Up is another fantastic exercise for your abs that can be performed using kettlebells. It is, however, highly technical. Keep reading to learn where to find more details about how to perform this exercise and all the others I've just described.

Kettlebell Front Squats, Kettlebell Renegade Rows, and Kettlebell Turkish Get Ups are three great kettlebell exercises for the abs. Incorporate these exercises into your existing routine and start reaping the benefits today!

One more thing: As I mentioned above, these are highly technical exercises. Using perfect form is very important to both make sure you're getting all you can out of each exercise and to ensure that you don't get hurt.

If you'd like more information about how to perform these kettlebell exercises and to grab a free Beginner's Guide to Kettlebell Training, check out my blog at http://kettlebellbasics.net

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

How Should the Topic of Asana Be Covered in a Yoga Teacher Certification Course?

If you are going to teach Hatha Yoga classes, there are many subjects to cover, but asana (posture) is often the starting point of most Yoga teacher training courses. It could be debated that we should follow the Eight Limbed Path, as explained by Maharishi Patanjali, by reviewing the first two limbs (Yama and Niyama) before asana.

However, let's put this debate aside and discuss the details of teaching asana to the public. In the average 200-hour Hatha Yoga instructor training program, more than half of the course time is spent covering the intricacies of asana and pranayama (Yogic breathing techniques).

When a student is young, asana can change the body's physical appearance within a year or two. Sometimes, results are seen at a faster rate. The body can develop strength and flexibility within months, but depending upon age and health, physical appearance can take a while longer.

On top of this, there is no fear of creating a huge muscular body by practicing asana. This is one of the reasons why Yoga has become so popular among women. In general, most women do not want a huge muscular body, but they do desire a physically toned appearance.

Beneath the superficial physical appearance of a toned body, the energy channels open, the nervous system's functions are improved, and a natural detoxification process begins to take place. The reason so much attention goes into asana is because the positive results have made it very popular for students of every age.

Specific asana sequences can be recommended for particular ailments. If you have an ailment, illness, pain, or a pre-existing injury, and gradually receive positive results through asana practice, this physical aspect of Yoga can change your life without any side effects. To suddenly be pain free, after years of chronic pain, is a life changing event.

A competent teacher guides his or her students to avoid pain, common mistakes, and to master the best possible alignment. Each student's skeletal body is different. As a result, students should be encouraged to do their personal best, but to avoid making comparisons to others or engaging in self-criticism.

Demonstrating, cueing, and assisting are some of the tools a Yoga teacher uses to help students focus on inner awareness, pranayama technique during asana practice, and alignment. These teaching skills are developed within the certification process, but they continue to be improved as a Yoga teacher matures.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA.


He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/member-offer.html

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Homeowner? You Need Know About the New EPA Renovation Rules

On April 22, 2010, the new EPA rules for Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting go into effect. Replacement windows and siding fall under the new rules. The new rules are meant to protect young children and pregnant women from lead poisoning from lead based paints. The new rules require the containment of any renovation related dust and extensive clean up after the project is finished.

A large list of training, certification and work practice requirements are called for by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Program. The RRP Program takes effect in April 2010. By then, renovation firms must receive EPA certification to disturb lead paint as part of their work in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities. All of these jobs must be supervised by certified renovators; individuals who have completed an EPA-accredited, training course. Plus, other crew members on such job sites must be trained and equipped to follow the RRP Program's lead-safe work practices while performing their work.

This EPA program is a federal regulatory program affecting renovation firms and individual workers who disturb lead base painted surfaces. It includes renovations to residential houses, apartments and child-occupied facilities such as schools and day-care centers built before 1978 and containing lead based paint. Renovation is broadly defined as any activity that disturbs painted surfaces and includes most repair, remodeling and maintenance activities, including window replacement and siding replacement. Under EPA's RRP Program, both construction firms and individual workers who perform (or direct other workers to perform) renovations must be certified by EPA by April 2010. In addition, all crew members must be trained on the lead-safe work practices that they must use when performing their work. The certified renovator is required to ensure that the renovation is performed in accordance with the work practice standards of the RRP Program, among other things. These requirements pertain to warning signs and work area containment, the restriction or prohibition of certain practices, waste handling, cleaning and post-renovation cleaning verification.

Currently, contractors who perform renovation, repairs and painting jobs in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities must, before beginning work, provide owners, tenants and child-care facilities with a copy of EPA's lead hazard information pamphlet. Contractors must document compliance with this requirement.

Failure to comply with EPA's RRP Program requirements could result in penalties of up to $37,500 per day per violation.

What does that mean to you as a homeowner? The new requirements mean that you need to ensure that the window or siding company that you hire is certified to do the work in your home. If your home is pre-1978 you need to ask your contractor for his certification documents. The requirements will also increase the cost of replacing your windows or siding if you own an older home with lead-based paint. As you can see by the penalties involved, any company that has long range plans of staying in business (the type of company you want to entrust your home to) will not want to risk the fines.

If you are talking with a company that doesn't know about the requirements or says they will do the work without following the regulation, walk away - no run away! If they aren't going to follow the regulations, they won't be around if you need any follow-up or warranty work done.

For more information on the new EPA rules and replacement windows [http://189window.com/blog/regulations/epa-lead-based-paint-renovation-and-painting-program/#more-41] and siding visit Window World MN.

วันพุธที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Career Success For Women - The Foundation Question

Several studies point to the fact that men are more often motivated in their careers by high income and high power positions while women are motivated more often by connection, meaningful work and recognition. But in both cases, the road to success in most organizations means climbing the corporate ladder. And steps up the ladder are supported by rungs of leadership. You must be seen as a leader to move up.

While not easy, leadership is simple. As I write in No Ceiling, No Walls, it consists of a 3-part equation:

  1. using your personal greatness/strengths to

  2. achieve and sustain key outcomes by

  3. engaging the greatness/strengths of others.

Our studies indicate that much of the advice that women have been given about leadership over-focuses on elements 1 and 3: identifying and cultivating their own strengths (74%) and developing the interpersonal skills to effectively engage others (24%). Advice about what it means to deliver key outcomes is sadly missing - only 2%.

This was not the case for Merrill Sherman, CEO of Bank RI who was advised early in her career, "Be for the business." This piece of wisdom is at the heart of the most important question a woman must ask and answer in order to build a successful career:

Do I/Can I believe in and support the mission, work and products/services of this company?

While a man who answers "no" might be motivated to succeed by the allure of higher power and compensation, if you answer "no" to this question, you are likely to find it difficult to wholeheartedly commit yourself to delivering key outcomes. Chances are good that you will be unable to engage your whole self at work. You are likely to burn out or be seen as retired-in-place. The chances of achieving your career goals will be lessened because you won't be seen as "being for the business."

If you answer "yes" to this question, it will be easy for you to engage your heart (passion), head (creativity and innovation) and hands (execution) to achieve and sustain key outcomes in service of your organization's strategy. You will substantially increase your chances of being seen as having potential. You will leave work each day feeling as though you've done something important - and that sense is the difference between distress that leaves you exhausted and eustress (positive stress) that energizes you.

So, look courageously in the mirror and ask yourself if you believe in the company you work for. If your honest answer is "no", create an action plan to move to a company in whose mission, work and products/services you can believe. If your honest answer is "yes", your work isn't over. Make sure that you are able to climb the ladder on rungs of leadership by ensuring that you get high marks on all 3 parts of the leadership and career success equation.

Susan L. Colantuono is best known as the CEO & Founder of Leading Women. To learn how Leading Women helps overcome the common barriers to women's advancement, visit: http://www.LeadingWomen.biz or call 401-789-0441. She is also the author of No Ceiling, No Walls: What women haven't been told about leadership from career-start to the corporate boardroom. http://www.NoCeilingNoWalls.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Are Tattoos Safe?

A lot of people fear that getting a tattoo is not safe because there are slight chances that you can get infected with Hepatitis B or C as well as HIV or Aids. However, the chances of this happening are rather slim. Tattoos in general are very safe, that is if you choose an appropriate facility that has the proper sterilizing and cleaning equipment and follows all recommended safety precautions you should have no worries.

If you are new at tattooing and have no idea what to look for when it comes to making sure your tattoo parlor is clean and follows the proper health code and guidelines, below is a list of important things you should look for or ask to see to ease your mind.

*Make sure you see an the autoclave and sterilization certification if you don't see it ask to see it. The autoclave is the machine that sterilizes the tattoo equipment.

*Make sure they are wearing gloves. Some sort of latex medical glove should be worn to protect the tattoo artist as well as you from any germs or anything else.

*Ask what kind of training your tattoo artist has had and what kind of certificates that have. There really are no tattoo training programs out there but they should have a license or some sort of certificate from whatever state they are practicing in to make it legal.

*Make sure ointment, ink, water and other items should not be returned to a universal container after it has been removed for use on a client. This is for obvious health reasons. Basically anything a tattoo artist uses on your should be thrown out and anything with blood on it should be put in a bio-hazard container.

*Make sure new sterile needles are always removed from an autoclave bag in front of you. This is to make sure the needle is fresh and clean.

Your Tattoo Friend


Ashley enjoys writing on her Tattoo themed blog at http://tattoo-talk.blogspot.com/ please stop by and drop a comment.

For more information and access to over 15,000 tattoo designs online, check out Ashley's sponsor at http://InfiniteTattoos.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Self Defense of a Mother Dog

Have you ever seen the way a mother dog guards and defends her pups? She is very territorial and intense when others are around. This is a natural instinct that many animals in the animal kingdom have, even humans. As a mother, it is their job to protect their young and let everyone around them know that they are the protectors.

If you've ever seen a mother animal with her newborn offspring you also know that if you do not stay within the boundaries the mother has set, there will be consequences. She will becoming more aggressive, a growl or bark may escape her. And if you continue to push her buttons, she may even bite or maul you. It's something to be very careful of.

It's very similar with people too. Since the beginning of time, we have in some shape or form, defended ourselves. We have defended our land, families, children, and belongings. In some situations, unfortunately it has been the case of 'kill or be killed.' An unfortunate circumstance, but the way of one trying to defend themselves nonetheless.

We still look towards self-defense when we feel threatened. When child is bullied and they feel threatened, they may look towards using some method of self-defense to get out of the situation. It is our natural instinct to know how to protect and defend, regardless if you're an animal or human, or young or old. Self-defense is important.

There are various types of self-defense. There are various classes,workshops, and certifications you can get in the art of self-defense tactics. There are even weapons available to make you feel safe and secure, and that are also discreet.

These are designed not just for men, but for women as well. It is important that both genders feel safe and secure.

Keep in mind that if you use common sense when entering situations and scenarios, the need for self-defense will be significantly less (if at all). Keep a good head on your shoulders, so you don't find yourself in a mess. If you do this, you should not find yourself in a situation that requires self-defense tactics.

Create a vintage look for your sink with copper vessel sinks or granite countertop prices.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Botox Training and Certification

The best thing about a botox cosmetic injection procedure may seem to be the fact that it takes a short time to administer, approximately 10 minutes. But the fleeting duration in imparting of the Botox procedure should not be taken as to mean that the treatment is to be taken lightheartedly. It is imperative that precautions are taken at every stage of the Botox procedure and only trained medical practitioners be allowed to administer it.

The medical practitioners have to be thoroughly versed in all aspects that go into normal Botox training. They should be aware of the health risks that may accrue from incorrect dosage or an incorrect mode of application. There is always the risk of an accidental low dose and over dose. For best results the Botox injection has to be applied in just the right dose and at the right part of the face. Therefore a comprehensive Botox training is a sine qua non.

Untrained people dispensing Botox in salons, gyms, hotel rooms, home-based offices, and other retail venues may turn out to be cheaper for patients but ultimately it poses a serious health risk. Improper techniques, inappropriate dosages, and unsanitary conditions could result from lack of adequate Botox training. In fact the FDA has made it clear that botox is an instruction drug that should be administer by a trained physician in an appropriate medical setting. Thus, botox training is very important.

Botox treatments should always begin with a consultation during which the doctor will study the patient's frown and smile lines and decide on an effective treatment. The patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire that asks everything from the perceived skin type to how much time they spent in the sun to a full medical history. The area of the skin to be treated with Botox is cleaned and local anesthetic administered before the treatment can start. Only a Botox-trained doctor can insure that all the necessary precautions are taken at each stage of the treatment.

For unique clothing for men and women visit BlackChandelier.com - Creative fashion and style including women's dresses, t-shirts, hoodies, scarves and accessories. In search of a salon or hair stylist in Utah? Landis Lifestyle Salon is full service hair and nail salon selling Aveda products
For information on natural and herbal beauty and skin care products check out PureandNaturalSoaps.com.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Suze Orman Shares Investing Common Sense With Women & Money

Women & Money ~ Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny

Money is a topic you either embrace or avoid. Orman's book delivers straight talk on investing for women and building individual wealth.

Personally I've always known just enough about investing to put some money away each month and I rely on financial advisers to steer me in the right direction.

Suze shares a candid look at her life and how she got to where she is now. Plus she offers a no nonsense approach to making sure women begin to really think about taking care of their own business.

With an uplifting vein of optimism about what is possible throughout the book, Orman successfully illustrates traits and tactics to help women thoughtfully approach investing.

Orman's 8 qualities of wealthy women have been shared on national talk shows and cannot be stressed enough.

Qualities 1 and 2 are harmony and balance. These are said to be the most important qualities because they are the foundation for all other qualities.

Quality 3 is courage. Orman writes that "Courage gives harmony expression. When your thoughts and feelings are one, courage helps you manifest them in the form of words and actions."

Quality 4 is generosity. Orman points out that women tap into this almost too quickly. We tend to be overly generous with our time, support, love and money. The true measure of generosity, according to Orman, is being able to allow money to come into your hands and out through your heart.

This was a concept I can relate to. Orman challenges women to look at why and what they give and how it makes them feel. She also offers six rules for giving (but, you'll have to grab a copy of the book to find out what these are).

Quality number 5 is happiness. According to Orman when you find the courage to live your life in harmony and balance, you understand and practice generosity, happiness will spontaneously appear.

And perhaps the most important point she shares about happiness is this; "Happiness is not a luxury. It is a necessity for true wealth."

Quality number 6 comes in the form of wisdom. Who doesn't want to be wiser?

According to Orman, wisdom is more than intellectual and not directly related to education. Wisdom is an express result of tapping into your core beliefs to make the right decisions for yourself.

The 7th quality is cleanliness and is all about the importance of order and organization. A laundry list of situations that subtract from your wealth status include;

- Not knowing where your money is
- Not having a systematized filing system for important documents
- Pulling crumpled bills and receipts out of your purse
- Maintaining a vehicle that looks like a garbage can
- Having closets that are filled with junk and clutter.

I am sure most of us can relate to at least one area we need to work on. I have to admit, as organized as I am, I could relate to a couple of those scenarios. Orman's philosophy really makes sense and I've corrected my personal problem areas. My first order of business was donating clothing I had not used or worn in the past year to charity.

The final quality is beauty. Orman ties all the qualities together by noting beauty is what you achieve when all the qualities are combined.

To some it may seem strange that the qualities of wealthy women are included in a book on investing. However, if you personally don't possess the qualities it will not be as easy for you to achieve your wealth potential.

In addition to the foundational building blocks Orman shares solid advice on choosing the right investor, the importance of having one personal savings account in your name only and discusses investment options in layman's terms so anyone can get started right way.

This article may be reproduced in its entirety with the following inclusion: Lisa Manyon specializes in POWERFULLY communicating your marketing messages to increase results. She's a Professional copywriter and Marketing strategist. Her work has been featured by the National Association of Women Writers, Absolute Write, Copywriting TNT, Lewiston Tribune and more. Manyon works directly with Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero as the Red Hot Communications GOLD Copywriting Mentorship Managing Director, is the first professional copywriter in Idaho to earn Glazer -Kennedy's Creating Copy That Sells certification and the Copywriting Expert for the Association of Web Entrepreneurs. Manyon specializes in making life easier for business owners and entrepreneurs by knocking one more thing off their "to do "list. She accomplishes this with her copywriting expertise and commitment to long-term business relationships. Get a Free Copywriting Action Plan & discover 7 Power-packed Insider Tricks of the Copywriting Trade to Dramatically Increase Sales of your Products & Services http://www.lisamanyon.com

วันพุธที่ 9 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Becoming a Registered Nurse in Women's Scrubs

Registered nurses (RN's) in women's scrubs are responsible for treating patients, educating patients about their medical conditions and treatments, and providing information and emotional support to the patients' families. RN's record patients' symptoms and medical histories, help to perform diagnostic tests and to analyze the results, operate medical equipment, administer medications and treatments, and help with patient rehabilitation and follow-up. RN's educate patients and their families in managing their injuries or diseases, explaining home care needs such as dietary, nutritional and exercise programs, and how to administer medications or physical therapy. Some RN's run general health or immunization clinics or blood drives, and educates the public through seminars. It is the RN's job to establish a plan for patients' care, or to implement existing plans. This may include administering medications, giving intravenous fluids, blood, or medication, administering treatments and therapies, observing the patients and recording changes and consulting with physicians and other healthcare professionals. Some RN's direct the activities of nursing aides and practical nurses and RN's with advanced educational certification perform diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, and prescribe medications.

Registered nurses frequently specialize in one area of patient care. Specialized RN's may work in a particular setting or with one type of treatment, such as the perioperative nurses who assist surgeons in the operating room. RN's may also specialize in particular health conditions, such as diabetes management nurses. Or, RN's may specialize in one or another organ in the body, such as the dermatology nurses who help patients with skin problems. Also, RN's may specialize in a particular population such as pediatric, geriatric, or gynecological nurses. There are also very specific specialties such as pediatric oncology nurses in animal print scrubs who help children who have cancer. There are many opportunities for specialization in being a registered nurse, and these specialties are often determined by the job.

The many different registered nursing jobs and specialties can have considerable flexibility in working hours and environments. RN's must be on-call 24 / 7, which involves working nights, weekends, and holidays. About 20% of RN's worked part-time in 2008. The job can be physically demanding, requiring much standing, walking, bending, and stretching. Because RN's are often in close contact with patients who have infectious diseases, and since they work with compounds which can be toxic or hazardous and can be exposed to radiation or accidental pricks from needles, RN's must observe rigid guidelines to protect their health. They are also vulnerable to back injuries from moving and lifting patients.

Registered nurses in womens scrubs usually enter the profession by completing an accredited associate or bachelor's degree program. They must then pass a national licensing exam to obtain their nursing license. Advanced nursing specialties such as nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse midwives, are required to possess a master's degree. Many RN's who begin with an associate degree go on to enter bachelor's degree programs in order to enhance their employment opportunities and income. They may find an entry level position and take advantage of its tuition reimbursement benefits in order to work for their bachelor's degree in an RN to BSN program. Accelerated programs to obtain a master's degree in nursing (MSN) typically take three to four years to complete full-time.

In 2008 there were over two and a half million registered nurses in women's scrubs in the U.S. Most RN's in womens scrubs work in hospitals or nursing care facilities. Median annual salaries for RN's in animal print scrubs were over $60,000 in 2008, and the field is expected to grow by 22% in the next decade.

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Managing For Performance

They are your greatest asset and the ambassadors of your vision - the men and women who work for you. Managing and inspiring them isn't for the faint-hearted, but can be a business owner's or manager's most rewarding responsibilities.

Supervisors, seeking harmony and desiring to be liked by all their employees, are often timid to address, confront and deal with an employee who demonstrates mediocre effort, is ineffective in their role or is letting down your team. But failing to tackle matters demoralizes your best employees and does nothing to improve the performance of the offending employee. Facing issues head-on with consistent fairness enhances and encourages excellence. The employee needing guidance has an opportunity to step it up and all your employees will be motivated, not out of fear, but increased respect for your leadership.

Additionally, managers make a mistake when they don't acknowledge exceptional achievement. Supervisors frequently neglect to recognize outstanding performance, fearing it may appear as favoritism to others. Instead, impartial public and private tangible expressions of recognition (awards, bonuses, perks, thank you notes, gifts, titles, etc.) for a job well done communicates volumes to all your employees about desired results of their efforts within your organization.

Another common error businesses make is giving equal pay increases to all employees. Doing so sends a message that mediocrity is expected and rewarded. Employees view their compensation as a reflection of how your business perceives the contribution they're making to your enterprise. Salary increases based on performance provide powerful motivation deep within, not just for the money, but what the money says about their extra effort toward fulfilling your vision.

Helping employees become maximum performers takes a lot of effort and carries risks, but the risk of failing to do so is much higher. To summarize: 1) addressing issues of poor performance puts fuel in the tank of your best and most industrious employees; 2) recognizing extraordinary accomplishment sets the stage for greater contributions by more employees; 3) merit pay increases help create a culture of vision-centered productivity.

Jerry Hopkins is the Founder and CEO of Affinity Software LLC. He is author of TimeClockpro, a time clock software application that helps business owners and supervisors manage hourly employees and employees be more productive.

Affinity Software LLC
1510 Tipton
Council Bluffs, IA 51503


วันเสาร์ที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

SBA 8a Certification - Are You Scared to Apply on Your Own?

Please answer these questions:

1) Would you pay someone thousands of dollars to fill out a credit card application?

2) Do you like to make a simple process complicated?

3) Do you have thousands of dollars to spend on just applying for SBA 8a?

4) Are you easily intimidated by negative advertising when it comes to the SBA 8a application process?

If you answered YES, to any of the above, stop, take a deep breath and read this.

Why spend the money to have someone else fill out forms for you if you can fill them out yourself for free? The SBA provides all of the forms in the Global Login System (GLS) at no charge.

Don't let SBA 8a application prep companies use negative marketing scare tactics to scare or fool you into spending thousands of dollars to prepare your application or disadvantage narrative. The SBA 8a application is just a series of forms, you can fill them out, it is not rocket science!

And while we are on the topic... why provide all of your sensitive personal and professional data to a third party? Do you want to give your social security number, your tax return information and all of your personal data to a total stranger? And then pay them thousands of dollars just to copy / paste information from your forms into the SBA 8a online application? Get educated and make an informed decision.

My Story: In 2005, I decided to apply for SBA 8a certification as a Caucasian woman-owned business. (Note: This is the most difficult category to get 8a certified, only about 4% of SBA 8a certified companies are in this category. We are talking about less than 400 companies out of about 10,000 total.).

Before I attempted to apply for SBA 8a certification, I made sure I had all registered in all four required databases. There is no cost to register in these databases. the problem is that no one tells you at the SBA which order to apply for them. So listen up and learn from my experience.

First, I registered with the IRS for my Employer Identification Number (EIN). Next I went to Dun & Bradstreet to get my DUNS number and then I got my company registered in the Central Contractor Registry (CCR). It took moments to complete each application, however there is a little lag time when you apply for the CCR. About two business days later, I was eligible to register in the Global Login System (GLS), where the online SBA 8a application is housed. That application took about 30 minutes. Again, these are free services, you don't have to pay someone to fill out the forms. To make it easy I have prepared a free special report with links at my website to guide you painlessly through the process.

When I opened my GLS application, I discovered there were actually two sections to the online application. The first part was what I call "cut and paste", where you copy information from your tax forms or business information and paste it into the online SBA 8a application forms. That is a no brainer, but it just takes time because there are multiple forms to fill out. There is plenty of explanation and you can call your local or Washington DC SBA office for help, yes they do answer the phone or even call you back.

The second part is what I call the "mysterious narrative" section. There was practically NO information on what the SBA review team expects to see in your narrative. I found that you have to literally pick apart the legalize of the SBA 8a legislation to figure out what to write. That can be intimidating and time consuming. In fact it took me about 2 weeks of research to get the information I needed. I suggest that you write your narrative in Word and then cut / paste it into the Form 1010 Personal Information section.

How much money did I pay someone else to fill out SBA forms or write my own life story? Zero, zip, nada. In reality I would have paid someone to help me write my narrative, but there were no affordable options. In fact several companies actually charge up to $2,500 to prepare the narrative. After my company was certified and because I own a training development company, I decided to offer affordable options to other small business owners.

Bottomline: You can fill out the majority of the SBA 8a forms on your own. Get some help with your narrative. But don't pay thousands of dollars to someone else to fill out a bunch of free forms. You now know enough to get started. It's time to take action and get started on your SBA 8a certification process today, no excuses!

V. Karen Miller is the president of Design2Train, a SBA 8a certified training development company. She has helped hundreds of business owners across the nation to successfully complete their social / economic disadvantage narratives. Claim your copy of the free Special Report to be informed and empowered on the 8a application process. Visit: http://www.the8amentor.com

วันพุธที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Schools of Herbal Medicine

Interested in an apprenticeship in herbology or earning your master herbalist certification? At schools of herbal medicine, you can!

In addition to gaining the foundation in herbalism, students enrolled in schools of herbology learn about anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, healing herbs, plant medicine, vitamins and minerals, plant chemistry, tea making, infusions, herbs for mind-body-spirit, herbal essences, herbal dosages and contraindications, organic herb gardening, spirit medicine, and much more.

While some schools of herbal therapy offer weekend seminars and holistic workshops to the community, a number of these herbology schools extend in-depth coursework that can range between six months and three years.

Comprehensive schools of herbalism that offer certification and/or degree programs in herbal sciences will offer much of the aforementioned courses as well as Materia Medica (herbal therapeutics), in-depth instruction in physiology, advanced medicine making, aromatherapy, women's health, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

If you would like to learn basic herbal therapies for home and family, schools of herbal medicine commonly offer classes to the public on plant identification, basic medicine making, holistic nutrition, plant cultivation and organic gardening, and herbs for cooking and health.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in learning more about these or other healing arts schools, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, naturopathy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore schools of herbal medicine [http://school.holisticjunction.com/clickcount.php?id=6634739&goto=http://www.holisticjunction.com/search.cfm] near you.

Schools of Herbal Medicine

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The CollegeBound Network

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Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for HolisticJunction.com [http://school.holisticjunction.com/clickcount.php?id=8799605&goto=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.holisticjunction.com], in association with CollegeSurfing.com - Educational Resources for Herbal Medicine, Schools of Herbal Medicine, and other unique training programs.