วันศุกร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Self Defense of a Mother Dog

Have you ever seen the way a mother dog guards and defends her pups? She is very territorial and intense when others are around. This is a natural instinct that many animals in the animal kingdom have, even humans. As a mother, it is their job to protect their young and let everyone around them know that they are the protectors.

If you've ever seen a mother animal with her newborn offspring you also know that if you do not stay within the boundaries the mother has set, there will be consequences. She will becoming more aggressive, a growl or bark may escape her. And if you continue to push her buttons, she may even bite or maul you. It's something to be very careful of.

It's very similar with people too. Since the beginning of time, we have in some shape or form, defended ourselves. We have defended our land, families, children, and belongings. In some situations, unfortunately it has been the case of 'kill or be killed.' An unfortunate circumstance, but the way of one trying to defend themselves nonetheless.

We still look towards self-defense when we feel threatened. When child is bullied and they feel threatened, they may look towards using some method of self-defense to get out of the situation. It is our natural instinct to know how to protect and defend, regardless if you're an animal or human, or young or old. Self-defense is important.

There are various types of self-defense. There are various classes,workshops, and certifications you can get in the art of self-defense tactics. There are even weapons available to make you feel safe and secure, and that are also discreet.

These are designed not just for men, but for women as well. It is important that both genders feel safe and secure.

Keep in mind that if you use common sense when entering situations and scenarios, the need for self-defense will be significantly less (if at all). Keep a good head on your shoulders, so you don't find yourself in a mess. If you do this, you should not find yourself in a situation that requires self-defense tactics.

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