วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Lowell Mill Girls: Sarah Bagley

In a previous article, "The Lowell Mill Girls," I wrote about the girls who worked in the textile mills of Lowell, Massachusetts, in the second quarter of the nineteenth century. One of those girls was Sarah Bagley, though she was hardly a girl when she came to Lowell to work in 1836 at the age of thirty.

Most of her coworkers were between the ages of fifteen and thirty. They lived in company-owned boardinghouses, where they slept six to a room, two to a bed. Privacy was nonexistent. Their room and board was deducted from their pay.

Working at the mills was a blessing and a curse. The conditions were poor, the physical demands grueling, the hours unending, but the wages were the highest ever paid to a female worker in this country.

A short description of a typical day of work will demonstrate what Sarah encountered when she arrived in Lowell:

4:30 a.m. Wake up call

5:00 a.m. Work began

7:00 a.m. Breakfast

7:30 a.m. Back to work

12:30 p.m. Dinner

1:00 p.m. Work resumed

7:00 p.m. Workday ended

10:00 p.m. Lights out

Sarah managed to find the time and energy to study writing at a nearby Universalist church, and began writing articles for the "Lowell Offering," a paper that was controlled by the mills. During her first years there, her writings were very complimentary toward her employers, but her attitude changed after working there a few years.

Sarah went home to New Hampshire for six weeks every the summer. Still, after three years, her health began to be affected. Most of the women had digestive problems because they were only allowed only a half-hour to eat, during which time they had to travel back and forth to the boarding house.

Between 1842 and 1844, an economic depression caused hundreds of textile workers to leave Lowell, because of wage cuts. By the spring of 1844, the economy had improved, and the textile companies raised the wages of the male overseers, but not for the female workers, who comprised over 80% of the workforce.

In December 1844, Sarah and five other women formed the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association (LFLRA) to protest poor working conditions and 13-hour workdays. Sarah worked tirelessly for the union and served as the group's first president, and it quickly grew to over five hundred members. She spoke out in public, something women didn't do back then. It was considered unfeminine.

She organized a petition drive that urged the Massachusetts state government to investigate conditions in the mills. Sarah fearlessly testified in legislative hearings, but was told that the issues she was protesting must be worked out between the textile corporations and their workers. She continued to petition the legislature, but the authorities declined to take action.

Sarah was able to gain the support of the members of the New England Workingmen's Association (NEWA), though most men of that time were threatened by women entering the workplace. They also believed in the old adage, "A woman's place is in the home."

The NEWA published a paper called the "Voice of Industry," in which the two unions protested the conditions in the factories, and begged for a ten-hour workday. Sarah became the editor of the paper. The political pressure brought to bear on the textile companies finally caused them to shorten the workday by thirty minutes in 1847.

Sarah had been working at the mill for eleven years. She was frustrated and angry, and began to look for another job. The new technology of sending messages by wire came to Lowell. Sarah was hired as the first female telegrapher in the U. S. Later, she was sent to Springfield, Massachusetts, to run the telegraph office there, and was very upset to learn that she was making one-third less than the man she replaced.

A year later, she went back to work for the mills. This time, she lived with her brother and was able to save a nice sum of money. She traveled across New England, and began to write about women's rights, healthcare, and prison reform. In 1849, she worked with the Quakers in Philadelphia to establish a shelter for prostitutes and impoverished young women. She also met and married James Durno in 1850.

The following year, the newlyweds moved to Albany, New York, and began practicing homeopathic medicine. This was a new field that used herbs and plants to heal the body, rather than the more invasive medical procedures used at the time, such as bleeding the patient and purging the body through vomiting. They specialized in the care of women and children, providing their services free when necessary.

James began to manufacture herbal medicines and snuff. In 1867, they moved their factory to New York City, where they lived out their lives in a large house in Brooklyn Heights.

Sarah is one of a large number of women who lived in the mid-nineteenth century, and who made a commitment to improve the quality of life for all disadvantaged and enslaved people.

They are my heroes.

Maggie MacLean has written a Civil War novel, Tennessee Twilight, which she will serialize online in the near future. There is an excerpt at http://www.maggiemaclean.com. She also has a new blog at http://civilwarwomen.blogspot.com. Stop by and have a look.

วันพุธที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Yoga Instructor Certification - How To Become A Certified Yoga Instructor At Home

In recent times yoga instructor certification has become more important than ever. In the past registration was usually enough because the practice and teaching of yoga was not as mainstream as it is today. However nowadays not being certified puts a yoga teacher at serious risk of costly lawsuits and unable to obtain liability insurance at all.

The Major Reason For Certification

The major reason for becoming certified is for a teacher's legal protection. There has unfortunately been an increase in lawsuits against teachers as a result of student injuries that usually could have been avoided with proper training and instruction.

While one's first impression of yoga is that it is a relaxing, spiritual exercise it can actually be quite vigorous, especially for people who are just starting out or seniors.

Why Injuries Usually Occur

Unfortunately if students have not stretched adequately enough before the lesson or have done a move incorrectly inadvertent injury may occur.

How being certified will help you is that it will be a lot easier for you to obtain liability insurance. Liability insurance is not something that should ever be overlooked, no matter how experienced you think you may be or how safe and gentle you believe your class is.

Get To Know Every Student

A student questionnaire is highly recommended because it is essential as their teacher that you understand every student's overall health, medical conditions, fitness level and general history.

Teachers who have been teaching for an extended period of time may not have had any kind of certification available to them. That's why it's essential even the most seasoned trainers ensure that their are covered.

On a positive note, if you are a professional teacher you may be able to receive some sort of credit or recognition for your past experience and your training already undertaken.

The Minimum Certification Requirement

There is a minimum requirement and that's 200 hours of study. What must be included in any course you undertake is virtually every facet of running a yoga business including anatomy, physiology, safety, modifications and contraindications.

Additional Benefits

You will find it easier to obtain work if you are certified. In fact, some studios for their own protection consider it a hiring requirement.

Yoga instructor certification is now easier than ever with the range of certification home study courses. To save you time I have spent hours researching the range of instructor certification courses available and have announced my number one choice at my yoga training website. Yoga Master With 5000 Hours Of Training Under His Belt Teaches Future Yoga Instructors How They Can Earn $150.00 Per Hour As A Professional Yoga Instructor And Be Certified Within Just 3 Months In His World Class Yoga Teacher Training Course Online. Start your certification today at http://www.yogainstructorscoursecertification.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Diamond - History of the Most Popular Precious Stone

We all know the saying "diamonds are a woman's best friend". This saying is without a doubt based on a true fact: women tend to be fascinated by this gemstone and the jewelry containing it. It is that fascination for the precious stone that made the diamond industry what it is: a strong industry which is time proof and immune to economic crisis.

This article is not about that fascination and trying to explain its reasons. This article is about the history of diamonds and the diamond industry in a nutshell.

A diamond is a mineral primarily made of carbon. Diamonds are the hardest mineral in nature and the most brilliant of all minerals.

The first diamonds are said to have been discovered in India in the ninth century BC. They were associated with divinity and were then primarily used as a talisman to protect the warrior engaged in a battle. Diamonds where later found in Borneo in the 7th century and in Brazil in the 18th century but in insignificant size.

A significant source of diamonds was discovered in 1866 in South Africa. Diamond mines were then created in the Southern and central regions of the African continent.

The famous De Beers mining company took control of most of these mines and eventually formed the central selling organization that controls much of the world's trade in diamonds till this day.

During the 20th century the diamond industry was plagued by the "blood diamonds" phenomenon:

Diamonds mined in a war zone and sold to finance insurgency or a warlord's activity.

The year 2003 brought the establishment of the Kimberley process certification scheme which is designed to certify that stones sources are free of conflict fueled by diamond production.

John Tiriach

Israel wholesale diamonds
Israel diamond jewelry

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Best Home Based Business for Women

Women everywhere are looking for a home based business that will enable them to spend quality time raising their children, but also bring in extra income. Many times they will try direct sales such as Avon or Mary Kay but although there are a few that make a good income this way, the majority won't be able to make a career out of it.

What if there was a home based business for women that could do it all:

  • Offer Quality Family Time

  • Bring in a very good income

  • Give the kids a built in job as they're growing older

  • AND....be FUN!

Well, the Party Rental Business offers all this and more. And more and more women are starting their own companies each and every day.

Start up can be fairly easy. You need a couple of moonbounces, a vehicle, a phone number, insurance and standard business start up tools. And since most people already have a vehicle, we're talking a very low start up cost.

Moonbounces used to be around $3500.00 each, but due to the heavier manufacturing that came about a year or so ago, you can get a moonbounce for less than $1000.00.

Advertising is simple...set it up and let your kids and their friends play....and you'll be well on your way to a successful business.

But, the moonbounces rent from $85.00 to $250.00 per day (depending on the part of country where you live), so your units pay for themselves with just a few rentals. And moonbounces are just the beginning!

Although you'll probably just want a couple of pieces while you have toddlers, as the kids grow...your business can grow as well.

You can add "fun foods" like snow cones & cotton candy, water slides, interactive inflatable games, obstacle courses, carnival games and more. You can branch out from back yard birthday parties and start doing church events, festivals, school & college events and corporate picnics.

The best part about the party rental business is that you'll grow as big as you want. And as your kids grow, they'll be able to help you with your rentals. Not to mention, they may want to expand the business themselves. Many teens have great ideas about new ways to grow the business.

So, when you're looking for a home based business opportunity that will grow with your family, party rentals is the way to go!

Cheryl Pierce has been in the party business for almost 20 years. Her complete guide Start a Bounce House Business has helped many bounce house owners to create a profitable business. Get a Free Start Up Guide by visiting Free Party Rental Start Up Guide Home Based Business for Women

วันพุธที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Bible Submission Between Christian Man and Woman Within the Church

Do Christian husbands ever submit to their wives? Do wives have authority over their husbands to tell them what to do? Are husbands to obey their wives or are wives to obey their husbands in everything? What really is the truth according to the Holy Scriptures, which is the very Word of God?

What does this Bible passage mean?

Ephesians 5:21 submitting to one another in the fear of God.

Eph. 5:22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.

Eph. 5:23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.

Eph. 5:24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.

Eph. 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her. Let us examine each verse circumspectly.

Many people believe that Ephesians 5:21 is teaching mutual submission. They believe that men and husbands are to obey their wives and vice versa. The truth of the matter is that Ephesians 5:21 is an introductory statement like a newspaper headline. You must read the entire article or in this case the entire passage in order to understand who submits to whom.

This verse was not meant to stand-alone, it requires the other verses in order to have true meaning. If this verse were meant to stand-alone then we would have no need of the remaining scriptures in the context. Ephesians 5:22 through Ephesians 6:9 gives us four different kinds of submission and this gives us the explanation of Ephesians 5:21.

Ephesians 5:22 states that wives are to submit to their husbands, this is the first kind of submission. Ephesians 5:25 says that husbands are to be submissive to the Lord Jesus Christ and this is the second kind of submission. Ephesians 6:1 is telling us that children are to obey their parents and this is the third kind of submission. Ephesians 6:5 states that employees are to obey their employers and this is the fourth kind of submission. You will never find any where in the Bible where it says that men or husbands are to obey their wives or another woman.

When you read the book of Genesis in the first chapter you will find that God created man saying that He created them male and female. It is necessary to read the second chapter of Genesis in order to get the details of creation. If you only read the first chapter of Genesis then you will believe that man and woman were created at the same time. Reading the second chapter of Genesis tells us that man and woman were created at different times. This illustration is similar to reading Ephesians 5:21 where you will need to read the entire passage in order to know who submits to whom.

Ephesians 5:24 gives us conclusive evidence of the fact that husbands do not ever submit to their wives. Wives are to obey their husbands in Everything just like the church is to obey Christ. This parallel of comparing the church like the wife being submissive to the husband and Christ couldn't be any clearer. Let me ask you, does Christ ever submit to the church? Is Christ beneath the church in authority? Christ never submits to the church, therefore the husband never submits to the wife. The church is always under Christ and obeys His every word. In like manner wives are to obey every word of their husbands.

Bill Naugle, Theology Instructor of the Bible. Microsoft (MCDST) and CIW Server Administrator Certification. Expert by self-study in SEO with proven success. Qualified Home Internet Business Entrepreneur with marketing achievement. Writer of many articles, books and ebooks that has produced many sales. http://truththatheals.blogspot.com

วันอังคารที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

HUBZone Certification - What You Need to Know Before You Begin

HUBZone Certification

Getting your business HUBZone certified can help insure your businesses success. The HUBZone certification is available for startup businesses, however the firm will need at least one employee in order to satisfy requirement #3 below.

What are the criteria for HUBZone Certification?
1. 51% ownership by a US Citizen.
2. The Principle Office of the firm must be located within a HUBZone
3. At least 35% of the employees must live within a HUBZone
4. The firm must be classified by the SBA as a small business. (Small business size determinations separated into primary NAICS Code)

In submitting the initial application to the SBA no verification for any of the following information will be required. The SBA will follow up with the firm 90 days later and ask for follow up information regarding, how the firm is owned, a map showing the primary business location, utility bills showing the firm name in the HUBZone location, drivers licenses showing primary residence of firm employees, as well as other supporting documentation. Make sure you have made these determinations prior to submitting your firm's application.

There are other issues and considerations for firms moving into a HUBZone location. Your CCR Registration is the electronic platform for you HUBZone application. Therefore all information contained in the CCR Registration must accurately reflect the information within the HUBZone application or there will be a conflict created which could cause a denial. Another factor of consideration is that the D&B information on your business links directly into the CCR Registration so this information must be updated to reflect a firm having moved into a HUBZone with the new Principle Office.

The benefits to your business are the following:

1. 10% pricing preference on government contracts. The HUBZone firm is considered to have similar pricing to a non-HUBZone firm if the HUBZone firm is charging $110 and the non-HUBZone firm is charging $100.
2. Large Companies bidding on Federal Contracts are required to show how they are including HUBZone companies as part of the contracts that are greater than $550,000.
3. The SBA has programs set up to help HUBZone firms with additional Bonding for Construction firms as well as aid in special SBA financial loans and resources.
There are also other intricacies to the HUBZone process such as if a county in a state has greater than 140% of the unemployment rate for the rest of the state then the county is considered to be HUBZone and all firms in that country can apply for HUBZone status. If a business is located as part of an Indian Reservation the firm can have less than 35% of the worker living in a HUBZone until such time as the firm is going to perform on a government contract and at that time the firm needs to become compliant with the 35% residence rule.

Other Resources

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Martial Arts Schools For Law Enforcement Officers

Law enforcement officers have no time to waste with useless techniques in their martial arts training. What they need is something that works and the conditioning and stamina to execute these techniques in a high intensity confrontation.

I once enrolled a new student who possessed the characteristics of the ideal student: polite, respectful and willing to learn. She told me that she was a police officer who was looking to polish her defensive skills. She had abandoned her membership in a competitor's school because the classes lacked any practical application. Nothing that was being taught was of any use on the streets. The system was chock full of flashy jumping and spinning kicks, which are perfect for the movies, but disastrous for self-defense.

It is the obligation of a marital arts instructor to prepare not only police officers, but also the general public, for such unhealthy or life-threatening confrontations. Unfortunately, some martial artists are making a lot of money marketing a lot of empty promises.

I had a new student who decided to spend $2,500 on a 4-hour seminar in California that promised a lot of fancy fighting techniques and a certificate of completion. When he returned, I was curious to see what $2,500 could buy in 4 hours. I asked him to show us. In order to do this, I had to find him an opponent.

I looked around and decided to pair him up with an 18-year-old woman who had been training real life self defense techniques for only one month. The only rule I set to this match was that she was to use simple logical techniques to keep her safe and he was to use what he learned at the seminar. It took all but 30 seconds for this young lady to bring him to his knees. So much for the seminar!

I've seen students with world-class martial arts credentials, by this I mean lots of titles, trophies, and medals. One gentleman said that he was the best and he only trained with the best. He boasted about paying his last instructor $18,000 for one year.

One day the class was doing a lot of two-person drills. The "best of the best" gentleman was paired up with a heavy student who could throw a decent roundhouse kick to the leg. It took this student two shots to the leg to hurt this world-class champion. He was too embarrassed to come back after this episode. It was obvious that the $18,000 he spent wouldn't help him if he was a police officer.

To many of the police officers we have worked with training is not about belts, trophies, or flashy techniques; it is about survival. When choosing a martial art school, choose the practical path. Ask yourself, "Are they teaching me something that could one day save my life?" If you haven't had enough experience to know the difference, find someone who has and bring them with you before you sign a contract and turn over your money. Especially if you're in law enforcement and your life depends on your training everyday.

Calasanz has been training police officers and other law enforcement professionals for over 30 years. You can see his practical martial art videos for self defense at http://www.interdojo.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

When Women Achieved the Right to Own Properties

When did women get the right to own property? Many years ago women's rights in owning anything was very limited. It took a ling time before an official decree was declared in the United States for women's rights to ownership. People who settled in America followed the rules in England. One of the laws in England was the right of the fathers to own any property that the daughter owns. When a woman gets married the ownership of her properties would go the husband. This law is not just exclusive to England alone. Spain and France were two of the countries that also practiced that law.

1. The first answer to the question when did women get the right to own property is in the seventeenth century when the people who migrated to America started giving women some privileges.

2. The second answer to the question when did women get the right to own property is in 1674 when the first law regarding the right of women to her property was submitted in Maryland. The law stated that before a father or a husband sell the property owned by the woman, a judge should interview her first. The judge will ask the woman if selling the property is agreeable to her.

3. The third answer to the question when did women get the right to own property is in 1771 when a law named the Act to Confirm was submitted for approval. This law states that women should give their consent first before selling her belongings. This means that the wife should sign the papers for selling the property before anyone can sell it. This is one of the most vital laws that was passed for the women's right to own properties.

4. The fourth answer to the question when did women get the right to own property is in 1809 when a law in Connecticut was submitted. It stated that women are allow to make wills. After a few years the prenuptial agreement was made legal. The laws helped the women to have another person overseeing the properties. Then in 1839 another decree was submitted in Mississippi allowing women to have power over their maids or workers.

5. The fifth answer to the question when did women get the right to own property is in 1848 when another decree was made. It was a winning moment for the people who passed it. The group was composed of Elizabeth Stanton, Ernestine Rose and Paulina Dave. The decree was considered as the most important law for the women. It was named as the Married Women's Property Act. It declared that when a woman marries; she will not lose any belongings. All of her properties would remain hers and only she can sell it. This law first took effect in New York then other states in America soon followed it.

Please click these links if you want to know more about woman rights to own property or Abraham Lincoln became president in general.

วันอังคารที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Do You Have Estrogen Overload?

The answer is most likely yes, as more than 50% of women over 35 years of age experiences hormone imbalance and it is often attributed to estrogen overload. Many suffer in silence because they think that their misery is a normal part of their menstrual cycle or of aging.

If you regularly experience 3 or more of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from estrogen overload:

  • Migraines, Mood Swings, Cramps, Uterine Fibroids, Depression, Osteoporosis, Insomnia

  • Allergies, Memory Loss, Acne, Hot Flashes, Breast Tenderness, Irregular Periods, Miscarriage, Low Sex Drive

  • High Blood Pressure, Facial Hair, Thinning Hair, Unexplained Weight Gain, Inflammation, Fatigue

These ailments are now so commonplace; many doctors don't attempt to make the link to the probability of excess estrogen in the body.

Menopause is often thought of as a time of declining estrogen, but it is actually common for women to experience surges of abnormally high estrogen levels in the menopausal years as well as earlier in life.

This misconception has led many millions of women to engage in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to restore "lost" estrogen and hopefully address the above list of conditions. This additional estrogen may only worsen the problem and even set the stage for the development of deadly disease.
Our bodies are continually bombarded with something called "xenoestrogens".

The term "xeno" means foreign and these act on our bodies to produce estrogen overload symptoms. They're in our food supply from hormones and pesticides, processed foods, plastics and pharmaceuticals as well as personal products to name a few.

"Combined xenoestrogens can have an effect that is 100-1,000 times more potent than the strongest estrogen made in the body." - Eldred Taylor

What you need to know:

  • Estrogen production drops 40% at menopause, but progesterone drops to 90-100%.

  • Menopause problems are caused by lack of progesterone, not estrogen.

  • "Synthetic progesterone" is not doing any good - the liver changes it in the body. So estrogen rages on, unopposed." - Tim O'Shea, The Doctor Within

Phytoestrogens" are the ideal "weak" estrogen (from plants) that can prevent unwanted xenoestrogens from carrying their harmful message. "Breast cancer now strikes 1 woman in 8, up from 1 woman in 30 in 1960 before HRT was popularized." ~ Dr. Michael Lam, M.D.

Estrogen and progesterone are the dynamic duo of female health.

During the menstrual cycle, estrogen must be counterbalanced by another hormone called progesterone. Together, estrogen and progesterone are the dynamic duo of female health.

Studies show that the average woman has more than the amount of estrogen needed to maintain the critical balance with progesterone throughout her lifetime. So the odds are that even though your body will produce less estrogen as you age, you should still have more than you need.

So the bottom line is. reduce estrogen dominance. In fact, you probably don't need more estrogen, you need more progesterone to restore a healthy balance and keep estrogen's "pro growth" tendencies in check.

To start reducing your estrogen dominance risk you can avoid high-fat and highly processed foods, increase fibre to 30 grams/day, reduce alcohol, reduce stress, consume a natural, organic, whole foods diet consisting of raw fruit, vegetables and whole grains and get regular exercise.

You'll feel better, look great and get more enjoyment out of life when your body is balanced naturally.

Diane McLaren C.C.Ir, R.N.C.P. For a “free blueprint of your health in under 30 minutes” visit http://www.healthyyounaturally.com As a Natural Health Practitioner and Wellness Coach, Diane incorporates her knowledge of Western and Eastern natural health philosophies to integrate her certifications in Clinical Iridology, Nutrition, Herbs, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Biochemical Blood Analysis and Sclerology for her clients and students.

In her practice since 1994 and through http://www.healthyyounaturally.com, Diane has shared the lessons and experience of her many years as a successful business woman, wellness coach, holistic health care practitioner and gifted teacher for thousands of clients, students and partners.

“I invite you to discover for yourself just how effective and rewarding a natural approach to health can be.”

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Women Managers' Woes

There are many woes that face women managers today, but below are the ones most often complained about by employees and how you as a manager can resolve them.

Untapped Professional Potential -- Don't be guilty of negating the wealth of brainpower you have on hand. Ignore the old myth there's no time to brainstorm for solutions. If you don't give time and attention to problems now, then you'll regret the time you spend on them later. It was secretary Bette Nesmith Graham, who invented liquid paper after many attempts at erasing and improving typed copy. Keep your eyes and ears open for contributions from all corners and don't be in a hurry to dismiss ideas as unnecessary or impossible.

Unmotivated to Inspire Peak Performance -- Not every job can offer exciting challenges and innovative stimulation. It can be difficult to ask those who work with you to bear down and focus on a needed, but menial task, especially when you know they're not using their full range of talents and experience. Vary the personnel you assign to these tasks as often as you can.

Unappreciative -- It is difficult to be told you don't sufficiently praise your employees when you know you are pleased with them. But it could be it's just not getting across. Could it be you need to vary your feedback? If you're bankrupt as to different ways to praise your employees then nearly any management book will give you suggestions. A few are, in addition to verbal thanks, praising them in public at office meetings and writing an email thank you. Most personal thank you's by hardcopy have gone by the wayside, so putting your thank you in a card will really stick out and make a lasting impression.

Weak Communication -- Across the Board Communication misunderstandings are at the root of most, if not all, office breakdowns. Be attentive to how and when you say things. Listen carefully when others are speaking to you. Don't multitask when an employee or supervisor comes into your office. If you're distracted and can't talk then, tell them when you can give them your full attention and be available at that time. Offer constructive feedback if asked.

Missed Course Corrections -- Your job is to "manage" and that includes helping your employees learn the lessons from their failures. (Do you learn from yours? That's a place to start.) Shorten their learning curve. Billion Dollar Lessons' authors claim humans are hard-wired to come up with bad strategies regardless of their vigilance or evaluative processes. So help your employees to stress test their strategies, which should be done at the beginning, midway and as an important follow-up procedure.

Workable Teams -- Too often managers feel they have to oversee or micromanage a project and have the final say. William Bridges of Managing Transitions, suggests the use of a shared power in using monitoring teams during any large project or change process. The teams are well-rounded employee samplings and their job is to offer feedback during any change process, to identify and report problems early on. They are also a great way to encourage employee feedback and value collective leadership.

Settling for the First Cut -- Most of us are so relieved to come to any solution to a problem, we will settle prematurely. A management woe is having to backpaddle if solutions have not been stress-tested, which loses time, money and energy. Don't ignore objectivity when presented with solutions and encourage this same thinking in your employees so they will examine other possible alternatives thoroughly, even considering their ideas would potentially fail. Only with that unattached thinking and open scrutiny can new, innovative and useful ideas emerge.

In today's economic whirlwind, dealing with fluctuating budgets, personnel problems and reorganizing before and following layoffs are all important issues, along with many more. Regardless of what your woes are, seek the wisdom of peer managers and, without naming names, requesting input will likely result in seasoned advice. A coach who has dealt with those problems when they were a manager themselves, or through the situations of their clients, can also be a resource.

But no matter what you do, don't try to be a lone wolf and tough it out yourself. If you're afraid you'll look incompetent, imagine how you'll look if your situation gets out of control. Then imagine what it will be like when you are part of the solution.

Laurie Sheppard is a master certified Life Coach/Career Strategist and founder of Creating At Will coaching programs for women professionals. Visit her at http://www.creatingatwill.com to learn more about her coaching and get her free entrepreneur monthly career tips newsletter. Also find out how she quickly eliminates stuck patterns and negative beliefs at http://www.positivethinkingway.com Join Laurie on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.

To publish this article, use it in its entirety and enclose Laurie's identifying information. Send a courtesy copy of where you have published this article to info@creatingatwill.com