วันอังคารที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Do You Have Estrogen Overload?

The answer is most likely yes, as more than 50% of women over 35 years of age experiences hormone imbalance and it is often attributed to estrogen overload. Many suffer in silence because they think that their misery is a normal part of their menstrual cycle or of aging.

If you regularly experience 3 or more of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from estrogen overload:

  • Migraines, Mood Swings, Cramps, Uterine Fibroids, Depression, Osteoporosis, Insomnia

  • Allergies, Memory Loss, Acne, Hot Flashes, Breast Tenderness, Irregular Periods, Miscarriage, Low Sex Drive

  • High Blood Pressure, Facial Hair, Thinning Hair, Unexplained Weight Gain, Inflammation, Fatigue

These ailments are now so commonplace; many doctors don't attempt to make the link to the probability of excess estrogen in the body.

Menopause is often thought of as a time of declining estrogen, but it is actually common for women to experience surges of abnormally high estrogen levels in the menopausal years as well as earlier in life.

This misconception has led many millions of women to engage in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to restore "lost" estrogen and hopefully address the above list of conditions. This additional estrogen may only worsen the problem and even set the stage for the development of deadly disease.
Our bodies are continually bombarded with something called "xenoestrogens".

The term "xeno" means foreign and these act on our bodies to produce estrogen overload symptoms. They're in our food supply from hormones and pesticides, processed foods, plastics and pharmaceuticals as well as personal products to name a few.

"Combined xenoestrogens can have an effect that is 100-1,000 times more potent than the strongest estrogen made in the body." - Eldred Taylor

What you need to know:

  • Estrogen production drops 40% at menopause, but progesterone drops to 90-100%.

  • Menopause problems are caused by lack of progesterone, not estrogen.

  • "Synthetic progesterone" is not doing any good - the liver changes it in the body. So estrogen rages on, unopposed." - Tim O'Shea, The Doctor Within

Phytoestrogens" are the ideal "weak" estrogen (from plants) that can prevent unwanted xenoestrogens from carrying their harmful message. "Breast cancer now strikes 1 woman in 8, up from 1 woman in 30 in 1960 before HRT was popularized." ~ Dr. Michael Lam, M.D.

Estrogen and progesterone are the dynamic duo of female health.

During the menstrual cycle, estrogen must be counterbalanced by another hormone called progesterone. Together, estrogen and progesterone are the dynamic duo of female health.

Studies show that the average woman has more than the amount of estrogen needed to maintain the critical balance with progesterone throughout her lifetime. So the odds are that even though your body will produce less estrogen as you age, you should still have more than you need.

So the bottom line is. reduce estrogen dominance. In fact, you probably don't need more estrogen, you need more progesterone to restore a healthy balance and keep estrogen's "pro growth" tendencies in check.

To start reducing your estrogen dominance risk you can avoid high-fat and highly processed foods, increase fibre to 30 grams/day, reduce alcohol, reduce stress, consume a natural, organic, whole foods diet consisting of raw fruit, vegetables and whole grains and get regular exercise.

You'll feel better, look great and get more enjoyment out of life when your body is balanced naturally.

Diane McLaren C.C.Ir, R.N.C.P. For a “free blueprint of your health in under 30 minutes” visit http://www.healthyyounaturally.com As a Natural Health Practitioner and Wellness Coach, Diane incorporates her knowledge of Western and Eastern natural health philosophies to integrate her certifications in Clinical Iridology, Nutrition, Herbs, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Biochemical Blood Analysis and Sclerology for her clients and students.

In her practice since 1994 and through http://www.healthyyounaturally.com, Diane has shared the lessons and experience of her many years as a successful business woman, wellness coach, holistic health care practitioner and gifted teacher for thousands of clients, students and partners.

“I invite you to discover for yourself just how effective and rewarding a natural approach to health can be.”

