วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Internationally Recognized Lean Six Sigma Certifications - For Organizations?

I just finished reading a great article called "Should ISO Initiatives Utilize Lean/Lean Six Sigma?" written by Larry Parah. He mentions that ISO doesn't really have "teeth" to grip onto Lean Six Sigma type improvements and make a difference. These are my thoughts regarding his article.

Business become ISO 9001 certified by customer demand.
These days I'm finding that many companies that could benefit from stronger improvement efforts are simply not trying. Why are they not trying? Because a customer isn't demanding that they try. This isn't statistically proven, but I feel that most companies seeking ISO 9001 certifications are doing so as a reaction to customer demand. They will lose business by not becoming certified or gain a specific customer by becoming certified.

ISO 9001 is sticky.
ISO 9001 certifications are mostly kept, once they are acquired. People don't want to look bad by losing their certification. Not only that but the certification process removes variability and is internationally recognized. That gives ISO 9001 stickiness.

Why improve when we can comply?
The next part of this idea is that businesses seem to be performing all the requirements for ISO 9001 once they are certified. At least they are performing these requirements once a year, for that internal audit. The big picture and goal of ISO 9001 is lost. It's not just to gain customers or satisfy customers ISO 9001 is to really reduce variability in business processes and make a platform for real improvements to be made. These improvements are supposed to bring down costs and improve quality. Business are missing the point of improvement.

Historically successful improvements efforts aren't sticking.
Improvement efforts like Lean Six Sigma are making big savings in resources and time while increasing product and process quality. But if it's so good why isn't it spreading like wildfire?! The best ideas aren't always the most successful ideas. The most successful ideas are the ones that spread and stick. Improvements with Lean Six Sigma aren't sticking and they aren't exactly spreading to everyone. Particularly small and medium sized businesses aren't accepting Lean Six Sigma.

Certify businesses not people.
This conclusion may be something simple like creating a certification for Lean Six Sigma or maybe improvement in general. Awards exist, conferences, societies and a bunch of other random stuff. Much of which appear to be sponsored by profiting organizations. Is it time to create an independent certifying body? Let's certify businesses not people.

By Sean M. Dozier

Re-capping Notes:
Business become ISO 9001 certified by customer demand.
ISO 9001 is sticking around because there is a certification process required.
ISO 9001 isn't very good at making improvements in businesses, they simply comply with the requirements as little as possible.
Improvement efforts like Lean Six Sigma make big improvements.
Improvement efforts like Lean Six Sigma are not sticking around.
Therefore, a certification process for Lean Six Sigma will be helpful. People are certified, why not certify companies?

